Wednesday, February 24, 2010


OK so I know I've talked about this before but I swear the ENT DR. here in town is doing well. Pretty sure we have helped pay for a new car or something. I have a feeling we'll be there again real soon with this little guy. I had to take Eli in again to the Dr on Tuesday because Sunday night was horrible but I thought it was teeth. It looks like his baby molars are trying to come through and his gums look swollen. So I thought Sunday night was a fluke...well I was wrong! We had Monday night and it was horrendous! I didn't get to bed until midnight and then only slept until 4am and then we were up for several hours after that. Turns out it was/is his ears...again...sigh! The medicine he was on before when he was sick 13days or so ago should have helped but it didn't. He needed some stronger meds and that's just what we got. And it seems to have helped because we had a good night of sleep last night, which means I'm slowly catching back up, and tonight it has so far been going good tonight. I will be heading to bed myself soon as I'm done here. We go back to our Dr. in 3 weeks to see how his ears are doing but if things don't change course soon I'm not going to fool around long with waiting to see the specialist. We did that with Lee and I wish we wouldn't have...well actually I wish we knew then what we know now...that would change a lot of things. Oh well!
I'll never forget what the ENT told me when we took Lee in at 18 months old...the statistics say that 1 out of 3 kids will have ear problems like Lee has...well leave it to us to blow that right out of the water...2 kids later and another well on his way...I should get some kind of booby prize for breaking the mold on that one...I'm just saying!
OK, off to bed I go. Here's to more sleep and getting routine back after almost 2 weeks now...I really HATE Mid-Winter break and it looks like they didn't take it out of next year's schedule...which stinks big time! I'm not happy about it.
Have a good night all!


Music That Moves You

I don't know about you guys, but there are times in my life that are defined by music. The summer after I graduated High school was Tom...