Sunday, March 14, 2010

Snoqualmie Pt.1

These are a few pics from out ski trip to Snoqualmie pass. Eli cracked us all up with how bundled up I had him...right out of the movie Christmas Story! Thank goodness he wears diapers and I didn't have to hear about needing to go potty after all that! I think he just put up with the ski trip, I don't think he really had fun nor do I think he really liked the snow. He kept slipping and it was cold...unimpressed I believe.
Frank and Dru going back up the magic carpet and down the Bunny Hill. All in all Dru had a good time up until his little fall. Then he was completely unsure after that. Also his legs started hurting and he was DONE but wanted to keep skiing. After Frank and I finally told him he was done (to which he was sobbing hard because he didn't want to be but wanted to be...oh to be 3 again!) I took his boots off because that is where he said they hurt and low and behold he had bunched up socks that looked like they would hurt. Turns out his boots were WAY too tight and after taking the boots and socks off...bruises started popping up and his ankles and feet began swelling a tad bit. Poor baby! I think today, Sunday, they were finally better! Whew! He did ask to go back up again today so his first time up couldn't have been all bad...thank goodness! We are hoping to go back up soon...maybe not Snoqualmie but maybe Crystal. It's closer to home! Eli and I and it started snowing at snack time! I had such a work out chasing after Lee and Ian, but it was so much fun and exhilarating! I worked they had fun and I got my work out! I'm sure I burned a few thousand calories...or something anyway! Ian...he had so much fun that day but today was a hobbled old man! He's limping around, I think he used muscles he didn't know he had! Hopefully he'll heal soon or it's going to be a long week for me. And I don't put up with whining and acting like a baby very of the drawbacks of me.

Lee and I after coming down the bunny hill! This kid...he picked up skiing like a duck to water. After the last time he skied, which was last March, it didn't take him long to remember everything. Before too long I was watching him go up the magic carpet by himself and going down the hill by himself! I think he really enjoyed himself the whole time! Isn't it nice I look so frumpy! With 3 layers on it's hard to look your best...I might invest in my own snow pants though instead of wearing a pair of Franks...

Well there are a few pictures to start off with on our ski trip...more to follow later, maybe even some video that Frank took.
I hope all had a good weekend. I know we all did. Frank was able to take the weekend off and we had a special Sunday breakfast (chocolate chip pancakes w/whip cream and of course sausage and bacon) and of course our day trip on Saturday! Frank and I are hoping to go snowshoeing in a week or two...keeping everything crossed here!


Music That Moves You

I don't know about you guys, but there are times in my life that are defined by music. The summer after I graduated High school was Tom...