Monday, April 9, 2012

Catching Up

I am so sorry it's taken me SO long to post!  I have many excuses but instead how about I try and post about all the things we've been keeping busy doing!  We'll go with that!

So on March 25th at our church, they had a Bible presentation to the 3rd, 4th and 5th graders.  I was very excited for Ian.  He wasn't expecting it and so it was a bit of a surprise.  So here is Ian getting his Bible.

What I love about this Bible and it's presentations is that a few members in our congregations sponsored each kid and payed for their Bible and committed to praying for that kid for the year.  What a blessing!  I love it! Makes me all teary-eyed!

What I could really get all verklempt about is that Ian went out of his way tonight to read his Bible on his own time. THEN he came out to tell us what he was reading and where he was at in the story!  Sometimes those moments are enough to take my breath away and think that something is working in that boy.  It gives me hope that when we have those bad days, tonight was a night I need to remember and hold onto.  Because let's be honest, there are going to be more bad and rough days ahead!

The Bibles by the way are really, really cool!!  I love that they have made it look and read easy and keeps them interested...very cool!


  1. That is so awesome. I'm glad the bibles are cool. I remember getting mine when I was a kid and the children's versions are great

  2. Love it! I love that Ian has people beyond our family praying for him.


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