Thursday, May 3, 2012

Grandma Great's House

Eli got to go somewhere ALL by himself today!  Oh he was terribly excited, can you tell?  He had his lunch box AND backpack stocked.  The lunch box had a juice box in it and a snack.  The backpack had 3 tools in it...a sander type thing, a wrench, and a hammer.  Just in case Grandpa Great needed help, you just never know! 

We dropped the big boys off at the bus stop...OK well we didn't.  We watched them run to the bus stop.  It was my fault, I made them late.  I took some time for me in a rushed manner.  You know, sometimes I manage my time pretty well and others not so much.  I was doing something for me because I was going for a massage...I needed to shave!!!  How could I have forgotten!?!  Oh seriously ladies!  And because I like to wax I needed to wax the eyebrows, lip and pits.  I'm not as fast as I think I am. 

I digress!  We watched the big boys run for the bus, dropped Dru off at preschool, and off we went to the Great's house!  We got there and he was out the door before I got my belt off.  He had everything and up the stairs knocking!  Grandma Great opened the door and in he went stripping off things, backpack, coat, and shoes.  He then ripped into his lunch box to get his juice box and snack and found a seat at the table and proceeded to eat his snack.  It was 9am!  It was go time! He'd been waiting for DAYS folks, there was no more waiting.  Thankfully she had more snacks for him!

He was a good boy for her and played well with Grandma Great!

I love the memories he's making! 

If truth be told though I think Grandma Great was as excited as Eli was! 

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