Thursday, November 5, 2009

Review we go. I haven't reviewed this movie yet of course because it's not out in theaters yet. It comes out tomorrow and I want to see this. But here is the's before Christmas, more than a month!!! I am hoping that this movie will be in theaters AFTER Thanksgiving...
In my house THAT is when it's OK to start thinking and talking Christmas. To sing the songs and all that hooey. Anything before that is forbidden!!! Seriously!!! I don't tolerate it! I think this will be a good movie though! Next, is this book I read called Escape by Carolyn Jessop. She is a woman that fled the FDLS (Warren Jeffs, if that rings a bell for any of you) by the Arizona/Utah border with her 8 children (unheard of). It's an amazing book and it tells of the abuse and violence she suffered and her amazing story of how she survived and is now living a life free of that. The first chapter had me sweating, heart beating fast, tense and almost in kept me on my toes and enthralled! Worth the read!

If you haven't seen this movie's worth the time. Now I'm biased though! I liked the first two movies and was worried that by the third one it would be a dud. Not so! It had me laughing (and the kids of course) the whole time. It was a cute movie and at the end of it I didn't feel like I wanted my time back!

Well folks that's all from me. I have baked way to much this week and finally called it quits today...3 batches of Pumpkin Bread and 7 batches of Zucchini Bread and all the meals in between...I'm done. I still have 24 cups of Zucchini to use... The kids have no school tomorrow (anyone surprised??? Yeah didn't think so) so it should be EXTRA loud at my house...Yeah me! I've been spoiled with 2 in school and 2 at home.

And just a THANKFUL thought today...Frank's cousin is stationed at Ft. Hood today and my heart stopped today. I was so worried and thankfully he was off base today and was out parachuting instead...I'm so thankful that he's fine (I'm sure his mother is finally able to breath!). I know when I found out I exhaled and then kept myself together or I was gonna lose it!!! Glad you are safe and sound Mark!!! We Love You!!! My thoughts are with the families of those lost and those injured!


  1. I've read the book too. Another one of the Jessups was convicted of Child abuse yesterday in Texas. Very different people.

    Ft. Hood is awful.. the one place those soldiers probably felt completely safe.

  2. I am not a Jim Carry fan but I do want to see that movie. Not sure about us though either. I loved the book two. The boys love the Ice Age movies too. I'm glad your Mark is ok.

  3. I don'[t allow anything Christmassy until after Thanksgiving. One of my favorite pet peeves. I don't do Jim Carey either so won't be seeing the movie. Mostly I don't do movies but especially not him. Just not my cup of tea or whatever. I don't drink tea either. LOL


Music That Moves You

I don't know about you guys, but there are times in my life that are defined by music. The summer after I graduated High school was Tom...