This is a blog to share with you about what goes on in my life. The good, the bad, the ugly.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
In Hock
This is the Dryer...

Between the price and everything else...this is what we decided was best for us. I'm still a little nervous about the whole thing though. Money, will it work, will it smell, leak, will I save money, will it really help save me time, how come it doesn't also fold the clothes and put them away? I guess only time will tell...I hate spending money and not knowing for sure...guess that's life.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Goals and Achievments
Last weekend Frank had the weekend off and I was able to go to a...well I'm not quite sure what you would call it but it was a webcast of a big bible study meeting I guess you would say. The speaker was Beth Moore and it was about her newest book, So Long Insecurities. I have never heard of her until actually a month or two ago and then a friend took me to this webcast. It was moving and brought me to tears (close to sobs at times) and convicted me in a lot of places. I'm still processing it all and I haven't decided if I'll blog about it or not. It's still a work in progress. But she was a great speaker and I would like to look more into her studies and see what there is to see
Frank and I also got to go out on a date! YIPPEE! Since we had some movie tickets we went and saw a movie. We saw Clash of The Titans....it was alright. If you saw the old one and then saw this one...well they changed the story and added a few more people in there. It was OK, I think I'm a bit partial to the old one, not sure why though. Could be that I grew up watching it, who knows though. The fun thing was though we went out on a date which doesn't happen as often and he and I would like it too. I think we figured the last movie we saw in the theaters together (and we could be wrong) was the last Indiana Jones movie that came out...which was what over 2 years ago? We really want to see the Robin Hood movie that's coming out with Russel Crowe...I think that's the one we'll have to hit Oma and Grandpa up for some childcare while we go to dinner and a movie.
The other day a story was told to me that made me smile. I love all my nieces and nephews and my ultimate goal is to be their favorite Auntie...EVER! Well, with at least one of them I have achieved my goal. One of my nephews was talking to his momma the other day and he was telling her that when she got old...like really old, like his Manu (that's what he calls his grandma) that lives in the forest (they live in a semi-wooded area) that his momma would need to send him to live with his Auntie. Well she had to ask which Auntie cause he has 3 or 4 others besides me. And he said well Auntie Anita. I have MADE it folks! I am at the highest level I can get...he wants to come live with me when his mom gets really old like Manu that lives in the forest! I don't know how I did it but I did (it might have been the M&M tookies I baked)! So that's one nephew down and 5 more nieces and nephews to go!
I hope all of you are have a decent week so far. I'm hoping the weather gets a bit nicer for some baseball games and just to be nicer in general. Take care!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Jamboree Day
This is Lee in action. He's an all position player...he ran after the ball all the time. He cracked me up. He had the parents on the other team talking about him...can't really tell if it was good or bad...but it was funny they were talking about him.

Today's weather was just wonderful. I have to admit though I didn't spend much time outside but I loved that I could have all my windows open to air my house out of the winter funk that sets in. I'm getting that bug for doing some more spring cleaning...I have cleaned the fridge out and moved it and cleaned it. I have also washed some walls with bleach water...now I need to finish the walls and sweep the cobwebs from the house. Oh how I hate cobwebs!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Ian's Baseball Practice
I love Ian is having such a good time with this sport...it seems to be more his speed and people are not as intense with this sport as with...well you guessed it football.
Ian is up to batting practice...Swing Batter!

Practice that day was wonderful. The weather was nice and the rest of the boys got to play at the park that was close by for an hour! It's so nice to have some nice weather intermittent with all this rainy weather...which is fine, don't get me wrong. We gotta have the rain for all the foliage we enjoy looking at...but we do need the vitamin D time to time!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
No Ham
So, since we were having Easter at our house this year (YIPPEEE!!) it dawned on us we could serve just whatever the heck we wanted and it would be OK! LOVE that part of being an adult and having things at your house!
We originally wanted Prime Rib but after some searching and pricing...we went with lower grade steak...so that's what we had! Frank was the main cook of the day and he did a fantastic job!

Friday, April 16, 2010
Here is Dru and Eli showing us their new things!

Thursday, April 15, 2010
Charlie and the Easter Egg Hunt
Charlie was having such a grand time finding all the plastic eggs and cracking them open with his teeth and eating the candy inside them...shiny tinfoil wrappers and all!! That had the most colorful...well you get the idea. I think it was the best Easter for Charlie yet! Note to self: Put Charlie IN the kennel before we hide the eggs and while the kids hunt the eggs...
As you can see Charlie found an egg here...

We had a good Easter this year! The Easter Bunny was good to the kids...all outdoor things and the big gift was a slip and slide!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Yoga and Other Things
Dru started putting this thing on his lips and it reminded me of myself when I was a kid and had clothespins all over myself. It was a way to hold the clothes pins while I hung clothes on the line (by the way I HATED doing that and I HATE the way the clothes feel after drying on the line!) Anyway, I took a picture of him and as you can see my Wii fit board was there and he likes to occasionally work out with me. He really likes to do Yoga which cracks me up.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010
OK, I'd have more if I could get with it more mentally but I don't feel good and I'm tired. So there's my post.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Going Bankrupt
This is Lee's tooth for the Tooth Fairy...written by his own hand! Very important!!

Personally I think the two of them just look like trouble all sweetened up...but that's just my take!
Update: My cousin's husband is doing well. He's awake and they have been able to take him off the ventilator and taken all tubes out. He's talking and doing well. He does have an infection right now and they are working on that...MRSA has been tossed out there but I've not heard anything definite on that yet. He's going to stay at the hospital awhile longer while they run some more tests and hopefully they'll figure out what's wrong. So thank you for your continued prayers they are much appreciated!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Having those teeth pulled has changed his smile a bit I think. Sure hope that Tooth Fairy comes through! Boy howdy I see some $$ for pulled teeth (well actually his dad does...lol). After this go around we will have an appointment with the Orthodontist and see what they want to do next...I'm gonna guess braces...I'm not sold on that yet...not sold yet...we'll see what they say though. No one says I have to do what they suggest...beauty of being an adult!

Friday, April 9, 2010
Prayer Request
Two nights ago, her husband had a seizure and is now in the hospital sedated and with a ventilator hooked up to him. As of yet they don't know what caused this seizure. Please keep them both in your prayers...for her to keep it together for as scary as this is (she had to preform CPR on her husband) and for him to get well and the Dr's to figure out what is going on so they can start helping him. Thank you so much I appreciate it. They live in OH and are too far away for me to go and hug and be with them...

Monday, April 5, 2010
Plugging Along
This was June 2009 in Ohio

October 2007

Haven't been up to much lately. This week is Spring Break and I'm already ready for school to get started up again. I have at least 2 sick kids and 1 kid that's going to have 4 teeth pulled on Friday. Things could get interesting at some point this week! Take care and just keep plugging along at life!
Music That Moves You
I don't know about you guys, but there are times in my life that are defined by music. The summer after I graduated High school was Tom...
At our house we have a tradition...birthday spankings! You don't know when or where but you know that Dad has been warming his ha...
A good morning from Big brother Lee on Eli's birthday! Mighty is so excited that something is going on!! Whatever it i...
People it's bad! I am getting the gardening bug B-A-D! My hands are literally itching right now thinking of planting and...