Sunday, February 21, 2010

Spring IS coming!

I am seeing signs in my own front and back yard that Spring is coming...slowly but surely it's coming! I love's one of y favorite times of year...rebirth and newness. This is my Rhodie in the front yard...we'll see how long this lasts before the boys tear these all off the plant and use the buds and flowers as bombs... This is my Hydrangea bush on the side yard...I'm so excited!
It's a beautiful day outside and Frank is sleeping on the other couch (he's still trying to get better and he's working himself to the bone!) and the kids are outside playing against their will. I'm such a mean mom making them play in the sun and get some Vitamin D. Man I hope I win Worst Mom of the Year award! We actually made it to church today...very happy about that. Tomorrow is a MOPS meeting and I'm looking forward to it...Go Yellow Buttercups (that's our table name). Well, I think I will take Eli outside and let him play too and maybe give Frank some 'quiet' time with his eyelids and the noise of the TV. I would personally go for the bed but that's me and he's weird!

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Music That Moves You

I don't know about you guys, but there are times in my life that are defined by music. The summer after I graduated High school was Tom...