I would be remiss if I didn't tell you all about the games that were played while camping. And I'm just putting this out there now, so everyone is aware and knows. You will not see me in any of these pictures. I have learned after several unfortunate events that I am not meant to play sports. I mean we've all heard my work out stories right...sports are as bad if not worse. I have tried to play sports with Frank and his family, but I get hurt, so I opt out. Much to the frustration of his family...but hey I got a game of Yahtzee in...that counts right?
And let me tell you, for the record...the baseball that hit my head (thrown by my beloved) and left the mark of the stitches (from the baseball) on my forehead
HURT! And that was just the first camping trip I ever did with his family
before we were married. It hurt so bad I didn't know whether to laugh or cry...especially in front of people I didn't know well! After that...many things thrown by Frank have hit my head...football, soccer ball, baseball...I have just quit after that. It's just not
safe!Many played the game of Volleyball and as you can see many would have rather watched the game...UP CLOSE! I stayed back...didn't need to add to my list of things that have hit me. Can't you see me twisting my ankle playing this?

Colton is going for Bat Mitten...I love seeing his determination to play this by himself.

Many brought their bikes and went on bike rides. My kids
lived for bike and scooter rides! They lived for anyone that suggested a bike ride/walk!

We are in baseball season...so of course we have to play catch a time or two, this is Lee and Frank tossing the ball around.

What's camping with out golf? I don't know...never seen golf played on the camp grounds...it's a first for me too. But Ian really enjoyed himself , actually told me that he'd like to play golf (he thinks they have things set up like in baseball for golf). I think he's gonna have to wait awhile. He also thought that taking a cooking class would be fun...he's all over the place! Pick something you like kiddo! Love him though!

Swinging the bat around...Dru had such a blast! He's not half bad and he's a South Paw...makes things interesting.

I'm not sure who Grandma was throwing to because neither one of them look ready...

Finally I bring you to Boccie Ball. Yep that's my family standing around a bunch of balls...I think they are figuring out who got closest to the white ball. This game doesn't look fun at all.

Even Great Grandpa got a game of Boccie ball in...I believe they even had a tournament going and Great Grandma played a game. They all had fun but I never did hear who won the tourney...

My activity was walking...I took Charlie for a walk a few times and then at least one time all the women and a few children took a walk. In which I got lost...well not lost but I lost my group I was with. Now after you've stopped laughing, I'll tell you I lost them due to that I had to take someone to the bathroom. I thought they would wait for me or at the least walk really really slowly. They didn't do either...and I promise we were not in there more than 5 minutes...and they were
gone! I walked around looking for them and couldn't find them. So Dru and I went back and looked for them back at camp and after like 15 minutes I went back and looked...they had walked more than half the trail and were at the park by the water. Sigh...so much for my walk! I did toy for awhile yelling Marco...but seeing as I was in a campsite...I'm betting someone would have answered and it wouldn't be who I was looking for.