Well here they are, up and at them early! Dru and Lee still look half asleep and Ian (the one and only morning person in the house right now) is ready to go!

The happy couple...hours before entering the happiest place on earth. Little did they know...wonder what the 'after' picture would have looked like??? All I know is that after 4 days at Disneyland it has taken 3 days to recoup! How naive we were!
Just outside the park, I thought the benches were cool looking. We are waiting for Frank to get our tickets to get in.
Lee and Eli.
Ian...when did he get so big? Is he really going to be 9 in a month?
Family picture in front of Mickey Mouse. I realized my mistake of having them face the sun but you feel so much pressure to get your way into the park and get to this spot to get your picture taken, everything else goes out the window. For the record...this is how 99% of our family pictures went. I'm trying to not be bitter...certainly isn't coming across that way is it? I'll have to try harder!!
Waiting for the Disney train that goes around the park, to give the kids an overview of Disneyland. Dru was SO excited to be able to wear shorts...in the winter!!! Disneyland AND shorts...in ONE day!!! Life is good!
On the train! Yippee!! They still don't really know what to expect. I also love that they were all able to get 1st time visiting Disneyland buttons...we were told to get them because the characters and people who worked there would do something. I'm slightly disappointed because no one really did anything out of the ordinary...although I'm not sure what I expected them to do. So maybe I had high expectations??
We stopped to have ice cream...I had my favorite Toll House cookie ice cream sandwich...YUMMY!!! Part of our souvenirs was a sweatshirt and a hat for all of us. I am undecided about the hat I chose...I am leaning toward the fact that I may need to face reality and come to terms with the fact that I am not a hat person. I like the style though!
Frank and the boys on the train. As you may have guessed I was chopped liver on this trip. Sadly for Frank he felt over touched and needed too much on this trip. By the last day it was a bit more than he could handle, I know how he felt! It's all you can do sometimes to not climb up a wall!
My groom...thank goodness for this man! If it weren't for him I'm pretty sure we would have wondered around at the whim of an 8 year old who loves to navigate. Which is fine, for awhile. I think we cut a whole forest down taking several maps everywhere we were at. I was constantly yelling at Ian that he could
not walk and read the map...it just didn't work. I think I said that several times an hour...love that boy! When he finds something he really likes he does it with a passion! And if I were left to lead...well if you know me I don't need to say anything more!
Lee...this was the best I got from him...I asked if it was his flirty smile. He just looked at me like I was a nut job...little does he know!
So that was our first day in a nut shell. We did go on rides and saw some characters that day. Frank and I tagged teamed several times and we all hung out with Eli. I actually was nerve wracked that I would lose someone but I never did (thank goodness!). We were at the park from the time we could be there until the park closed...the kids were exhausted and so were we! I think that first night Eli actually slept in his own bed the whole night! Bliss!!! he's not done it since we got home but small steps right?
Well good night all until the next post!