These are the boys last April Ian, Lee, and Dru...April 26Th to be precise. They have changed so much in the last year I can't hardly believe it. I don't notice it sometimes when I see them every day but I sure do notice it when I find pictures from a year ago. I hate it when they get bigger!

My Cherry Tree in the front yard last year...looks the same this year too! I do love it though!
Let's see....
Today I got a shower in...YES!!! I have even got some laundry done's not folded yet, let's not get ahead of ourselves here people. I'm still waiting for the washer and dryer that fold AND put away, like Auntie Sharon suggested I wait for. :) Thanks Auntie! This weekend I also was able to torture Frank AGAIN with another fabulous movie...Mamma Mia! Got some ABBA fix that way. Frank isn't sure why I like the movie but if I have to tell him then...well...he doesn't get it. Of course he one of THOSE people that doesn't like ABBA! I know! Almost sacrilegious!
Why is Lee the only one of the kids who can make babies roll and by that I mean laughing? He's the only one. Frank and I could stand on our heads trying to make our babies laugh and laugh and Lee walks into the stinkin' room and the baby just rolls!?! I don't get it. But he did this with Dru and now with Eli, I don't get it. OH well, it is fun to watch...sorta. Ever try to not to cringe while a 5 year old holds/stands up the baby or 'helps' the baby sit? It's hard and I try very hard to just leave them alone...they need sibling time right? But on the other end of that, Lee is the MOST obnoxious one when it comes to kids...he's like millimeters away from their face, he's practically sitting in your lap when you are holding the baby...he's just annoying sometimes. Sometimes I wonder if he's the one that will choose to have kids (well like the others won't...that sentence didn't make sense did it?) What I mean is, will he be the one that does well with kids or have kids first or have many children? He really does well with babies...well at least with my kids anyway. Like right now he's showing Eli what a one dollar bill Eli really cares. He just wants to know if it's something he can chew on...(like this running commentary?)
Potty training is not on the list of things I'd think I'd be doing when I had's almost like people forget that part of parenting...I know I never did until it was time for Ian. And here's a question: (I could just be gross) but when helping kids with the 'cue' of going to the bathroom and they get the cue...why do we need to stay in there? And has anyone ever looked at their kids face while they have a bowel movement on the toilet? Honestly!?! How do you not laugh and why can't you look away? It's like a train wreck and you just can't tear your eyes's so gross. Things I didn't know I signed up for when I became a parent. Why do their rooms bother me when they are messy? I don't get that one. Dru is doing really well with potty training...of course candy is always a good motivator...but he really is starting to get the hang of it. It always blows my mind when all the sudden it just CLICKS for them. I always try and figure out just what it was and I can never figure it just does and they and we go with it. We had stopped for awhile and then Dru kept taking his diaper off in the back yard so we just quit with the diaper one day, after I got fed up with the back yard business, and so far we haven't looked back. It just boggles my mind how it clicks for them.
And just so you know, Eli just 'murped' on Lee and Lee said whoa..a hot murp!! As opposed to a cold one Lee? *shaking head*
My cousin is doing okay as far as I know. The updates I have are that they possibly might keep her in the hospital for the rest of the pregnancy. She is 6 months along. She had an ultrasound today, no word yet on what that revealed. I can't remember what I've said about what's going on. She apparently still has the bad cough that gave them the scare before and they believe the cough is now the contributing factor to the issue going on now...the thinning cervix. As of my update from my mother yesterday, her cervix is thickening again and her cough is easing up again. So those are good things!!
Side notes...I'd like a nap and what's for dinner tonight? I bought the movie The Day The Earth Stood Still...LOVE Keanu Reeves!! Love the movies Speed, Chain Reaction...can't forget the movie Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure! I need to watch that movie!
There is something in the works for a family trip this June...more on that when more has been finalized. Suffice it to say Frank and I are VERY excited and the boys are quite clueless! And I now need to lose some serious weight (it's a wedding we might go to)...uuggghhh! I have a month and a half if this happens...ugghhh again!
Okay, well I should go. Something or another about folding some laundry and putting it away and all that horrible business! I really do despise laundry...especially doing Ian and Lee's. I am constantly rewashing clean laundry of theirs. And I don't realize it's clean until it's already in the washer very wet...I often threaten them about going naked but I might want to actually follow through with that one of these days. That will show them!
Take care and have a good day/evening.