Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Just making sure

So today Lee asks me if I've always been a girl...I said yes as far as I know I have been. He says, good just making sure! So here's my question...what would he have said if I said no I started out as, oh I don't know, a bug. He's so funny that one.

We saw many things today while doing more weeding. We saw Sherman the worm...well worms really. Every worm we see is Sherman. We saw a ladybug, I do love those bugs. And we saw some kind of beetle...the boys get so excited about bugs. I never thought in a million years when I thought about having kids that I'd be keeping my eyes out for worms, bugs and spiders (my arch nemesis) to show my kids cause the LOVE those things. The things big and small that you do for your kids.

I'm sad to see our weather go back to rain, but am so thankful for the sun we had! It was a good tantalizing taste of what will come and soon...before we know it. And I can just hear us now, the whispers of the heat...how hot it is...we are a funny people.

I hate to say this but I think Eli is sick...again! Lee was kind enough to pass on whatever cooties he had/has going on. He seems a little warm and he's got a cough...sigh.

So did everyone have a good last few days?

And just so people know, I really, really HATE dying eggs! It's... well let me show you...

Meet Lee. This kid eats anything...this time eat chose to drink the dye (notice the blue lips)...vinegar and all. He's a wonderful child, really! He's been known to eat things most 'normal' children wouldn't. Nikki remember the Evergreen fair? We had all sat down to eat our lunches we'd brought with us and Lee sat down and saw food at the table. Nikki and I hadn't quite gotten the table cleared yet from the other people who'd sat there and Lee picked up the item of food and just about ate it! I think we are pretty lucky Lee didn't make Auntie puke! Been there done that! Another incident that comes to mind is when we were at the gymnastics place. For some unknown reason he was underneath the stands and had found a piece of popcorn...which he quickly ate. GAG! He's so GROSS! Anyway, enough about Lee...the list goes on..trust me.

On top of all that, dyeing eggs is just annoying...the colors never turn out the way they are suppose to, the dye gets everywhere. And although I love hard boiled eggs as much as the next person but the way it makes the whole house smell...yeah not really on the top of my list. So Frank said he would take care of it. So do you think he'll remember to buy the eggs and vinegar or what? How much of THIS does he really have? We'll see!

Okay I need to get out of here and head off to bed! Take care!


  1. I use to take care of a kid that would steal the pea's off of the other kids plates. I can see my son gagging now.

  2. I'm pretty sure you've always been a girl. LOL What a question. Oh Lee. thats all I have to say about that.

  3. Yeah, pretty sure my kids wouldn't go out of there way to steal a vegetable off someone's plate but then stranger things have happened.


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