Sunday, June 7, 2009

It Was A Day!

Oh What a day...sing it people!!

Actually it wasn't anything terribly special. I slept, I ate...I actually did some work too. I emptied the dishwasher and washed and folded some clothes. After that, not much happened. People were cranky, dad's had headaches and mom's were/are just down right tired.

And as we speak Eli is up fussing...he is getting teeth in...he's got one bottom that has come through and he's working on the other one. So he's a bit this is a short post as you can see cause now he's screaming at me.

I hope everyone had a good weekend cause I did!



Music That Moves You

I don't know about you guys, but there are times in my life that are defined by music. The summer after I graduated High school was Tom...