Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Dadad Dada Elmo's World!

Okay so I'll only try to torture you all for a bit. Try being the operative word here. So here we go:

Dru fell asleep before he even left with his dad, it was very funny. In honor of Elmo he wore his Elmo pants. Funny kid!They are ready to go and they are taking the truck! Woohoo! Dru wanted to go to McDonald's to eat so they did. Dru in his seat. Where he ate cotton candy and an apple juice...red letter day! Their seats were pretty close and not half bad.View from their seats...not bad. What a 'happy' stage.You know these guys...Bert and Ernie.And they added Cookie Monster (secretly Grover is my most fave monster, what's yours?)Some more characters. I believe there is Big Bird, The Count, Grover, and Oscar the GrouchI believe Abby Cadabby was a huge hit with the crowd, and by all accounts with Dru also. And just so you know I have no idea if I spelled her name right.And there is Elmo...don't need to really need to say more.Abby, Elmo and Zoe.I know this is a kid show but why does Elmo look like he just did something naughty? Or shocked? I don' t know it just doesn't look right, looks silly and I'm laughing.Just another pic, which it happens to be the last one I'm going to bother you with. But if you scroll down further you can see a video.
So, Frank had a good time with Dru I think. Although he got really annoyed at some women there when he walked in. Apparently this happens all the time...well the situation not so much with women. What happened or what was said was this. The women saw Frank and Dru and of course everyone googled at my bright and handsome young boy and then saw he came with his dad. So the women thought it was so nice that his ex allowed him to have his son during the week to take his boy out. That at least he got to do something with his kid at all outside of his day. Frank says this happens to him a lot. How sad! There need to be more dad's out there taking their kids to something together...not just moms! I KNOW with out a shadow of doubt Frank enjoyed his time with just Dru. As a matter of fact I was a bit jealous of that, but would never dream of taking that from him. I asked Frank if he ever says something to those people and he said no. I think he needs to start saying something...but for as witty as I am (hahahahahahahaha) nothing comes to mind. Comments?

Thanks for spending the time and looking at these photos and being tortured...or not...Just a day in the life right?


  1. When we get asked if ARE THEY ALL YOURS? I always say YES I wouldn't bring strangers. And yes we DO know what causes it. No one REALLY has 6 children by accident. AND we are asked if it's a blended family. NO they are all ours. Carmen said he's never been asked that type of question as Frank. He thinks she was hitting on him.

  2. I would NEVER be tortured by Elmo. I LOVE HIM.. Jimmy loves him almost as much as Elvis :) Liam was him for Halloween and all the kids wanted to hug him! Cutests little Elmo EVER.

    Franks a good day, I wouldn't explain myself either, stupid women.

  3. Well it wouldn't be the first time he was hit on...girl from Tom Petty and the little gal at G.I. Joe's...You see a trend here cause I do. I told Frank and he laughed and said probably...must be more to that story than what was told to me. ;)


Music That Moves You

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